Imagine getting that draft done–in less time than you ever thought possible! It can be done, buit it takes planning, consistency and focus. 

Having accountability is THE best way to ensure forward momentum with your writing. 

With accountability, you are most likely to finish that manuscript in record time.  

Let’s face it: even when we start with the best of intentions, many book projects meander along until something else interferes . . . . and eventually takes all your time. 

Accountability coaching keeps you focused and writing until the book is done. 

It’s also a great way to get the support you need to finish an existing draft (in fact, many of my clients come to me with a partially-complete book and just need a bit of additional support to get it completed).

Here’s how a Book Builder session works:

In this session, we’ll work together for up to three hours to establish your book’s main topic and points in support of it. Even if you’re not sure about what to write, I’ll ask questions and we’ll brainstorm with various techniques to help you find the best idea for your book based on your existing experience and knowledge.

Next, we’ll work through the ideas for the book to create a roadmap that outlines chapters and chapter titles, main points for each, and even some specific illustrations or examples that you can use in the manuscript.

You’ll leave with a clear idea of what your book is meant to say and to whom you’ll say it. You’ll be able to fill in the blanks with the full content of the book once you get writing.

This is a single session with an optional follow-up session if you need a bit more time to hone your concept.

Book your accountability package here

Still have questions? Email me at [email protected]